Revd Canon Simon Gatenby
Tutor for the Manchester Project
Tel: 0161 273 2470
Simon is the part-time Tutor for the Manchester project, a post he has held since January 2005. The partnership between Westcott House and the diocese of Manchester provides opportunities for students training for ministry to experience extended placements in parishes in Manchester. These take place in a variety of contexts and includes engagement with Brunswick Church where Simon is the Vicar.
Passionate about the opportunities for mission & ministry found within each parish, Simon identifies placements in Salford & Manchester where ordinands can be encouraged, equipped & challenged in their time there.
In his current parish which serves the diverse inner city estate of Brunswick, Simon has supervised many placement students training for ministry across the denominations, together with six curates over the years. As well as a commitment to every member ministry, the parish in his time has been instrumental in raising up six ordinands now serving as priests within the Church of England, together with two more currently in training.
Beyond the parish and Westcott House, Simon serves as the Honorary Chaplain and a Trustee of Manchester YMCA, co-ordinating a team of ten volunteer Chaplains, and is a founding Trustee and Director of the University Ardwick Partnership, linking the University community with the residential community it finds itself in. He is also a BAP Pastoral Advisor
A graduate of Nottingham University, Simon later returned to the outskirts of the city to train at St John’s College. He has, to date, over thirty years’ experience of parish ministry, serving in the dioceses of Manchester & Newcastle.